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Entrees - Beef Stroganoff, 10 Servings
Sides and Meats - Diced Beef, 15 Servings
Entrees - Chicken Teriyaki with Rice, 10 Servings
Entrees - Lasagna with Meat Sauce, 10 Servings
Entrees - Chili Mac with Beef, 10 Servings
Entrees - Noodles and Chicken, 10 Servings
Entrees - Sweet and Sour Pork with Rice, 10 Servings
Entrees - Chicken Stew, 10 Servings
Entrees - Homestyle Chicken Noodle Casserole, 3 Servings
Entrees - Noodles and Chicken, 2 1-2 Servings
Entrees - Sweet and Sour Pork with Rice, 2 1-2 Servings
Entrees - Mexican Style Rice and Chicken, 3 Servings
Grab and Go Bucket - Breakfast and Entr�e, 56 Servings
Grab and Go Bucket - Entr�e Only, 60 Servings
Grab and Go Bucket - Entr�e Only, 120 Servings